Funny Gay Bar Jokes for Adults Quotes

Now, these are just darn funny. And maybe slightly NSFW. You've been warned! Thanks to the knee-slapping people over at Jokes4Us, we discovered a plethora of gay jokes that made us laugh, cringe, and roll our eyes. Hard.

But, it's April Fool's Day, so go on – have a good chuckle:

Q: How do 5 gay men walk?

One Direction

Q: What do you call a gay drive by?

A fruit roll up.

Q: Why can't gays drive faster than 68mph?

Because at 69 they blow a rod.

Q: What do you call a gay cowboy?

A Jolly Rancher

Q: Why are most politicians in the closet or gay?

Because they can only mandate.

Q: How do you fit three homosexuals on one barstool?

Turn it upside-down

Q: What do you call a homosexual dentist?

Tooth fairy

Q: Did you hear about the gay guy who got kicked off the golf course?

He was playing with too many strokes.

Q: Why is Katie Holmes divorcing Tom Cruise?

Apparently, he's been in A Few Good Men.

Q: What comes after 69 for gay men?


Q: What did one gay sperm say to another?

How do we find an egg in all of this shit?

Q: What do you call an annoying gay man?

A pain in the arse.

Q. Hear about the new gay sitcom?

"Leave it, it's Beaver."

Q: Whats a homos favorite planet?


Q: What do you call a gay boxer?

Fruit Punch!

Q: What did the moose say after leaving the gay bar?

Man, I blew like 50 bucks in there.

Q: What do you call a gay Ginger?


Q: How do you know you're a homosexual?

When you make Justin Bieber look straight.

Q. Did you hear about the gay rabbit?

He found a hare up his ass.

Q: What do you call a bouncer in a gay bar?

Flame thrower.

Q: What do you call a 5-Man gay mariachi band?

Juan Direction

Q: What do you get when you cross an Eskimo and a gay guy?

A snowblower.

Q. How can you tell if a novel is homosexual?

The hero always gets his man in the end.

Q. How can you tell if a Western is gay?

All the good guys are hung.

Q: How does a gay guy fake an orgasm?

He spits on his back.

Q: How do you say homosexual in Jewish?

A heblew.

Q: What will the first gay Transformer turn into?

A Prius.

Q: What does one gay say to another homo sitting at the bar?

Do you mind if I push in your stool?

Q: What do you call a phone that gay men can't use?

A Homophone.

Q: What is Gay Pride?

A group of homosexual lions.

Q: Did you hear about the gay vegetarian?

He still eats meat.

Q: Why don't gays shop at Sports Authority?

Because they prefer Dick's.

Q: What does a homo say to another gay going on vacation?

Can I help you pack your shit?

Q: Did you hear about the homosexual electron?

Went around blowing fuses.

Q: Why is Fred Flinstone a closet homosexual?

He has a gay old time

Q: Did you hear about the homosexual letter?

Only came in male boxes.

Q: Why don't blondes in San Francisco wear short black mini skirts?

Cause their balls show

Q. What do you call a gay dinosaur?


Q. Did you hear about the two homosexual judges?

They tried each other.

Q. Did you know 75% of the gay population were born that way?

The other 25% were sucked into it.

Q: What do you call a gay Jamaican guy?


Q: What do doctors prescribe for a sore asshole?


Q: What do gay men call hemorrhoids?

Speed bumps.

Q: What do you call two gay Irish men?

Patrick Fitzgerald and Gerald Fitzpatrick.

Q: Did you hear about the two gay guys that had an argument in the bar?

They went outside to exchange blows.

Q: What does a gay horse eat?


Q. Did you hear about the gay truckers?

They exchanged loads.

Q: What's the difference between a hobo and a homo?

A hobo doesn't have any friends, but a homo has friends up the ass

Q. What's the biggest crime committed by transvestites?

Male fraud.

Q: What do you call a gay Chinese man?

Chui mi Wang

Q: Why was the gay embarrassed when he was caught blowing the well-hung black boy?

Because he was caught with a foot in his mouth.

Q: What do you call a gay insect with wings?

A fruit fly

Q: What's the motto of the Greek army?

Never leave your buddy's behind.

Q: Hear about the gay royal Canadian mounted cop?

He got so excited his first day on the Job he jumped on his whistle and blew his horse.

Q: What do you call a gay in a wheelchair?

A fruit roll-up.

Q: Why did the gay guy go straight?

There were too many dicks

Q: Did you hear about the 2 gays that got into a fight in a bar?

They were ejected for exchanging blows.

Q: What do you call a gay scientist?

A homo-geneous.

Q: What do you call a gay midget?

A lowblow

Q: What do you call a gay couple?


Q: Two gay guys were having sex when they both die at the same time. Who goes to heaven first?

The one who had his shit packed.

Q: What do you call a gay bar with no bar stools?

A fruit stand.

Q: What did the gay rooster say?ANYCOCKWILLDOO!


Q: How do gay gangsters do a drive by?

They throw skittles at you and say "Taste the rainbow, bitches!"

Q: How many gay men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

One… But it takes half the ER staff to get it out!

Me: I know a gay guy that sounds like an owl.

Friend: Who?

Got any of your own? LOL


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