Want to Take the Blue Pill Again

Dilemma between painful truth and blissful ignorance

The terms "ruby pill" and "blue pill" refer to a choice betwixt the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-irresolute truth past taking the blood-red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the bluish pill. The terms refer to a scene in the 1999 pic The Matrix.

Background [edit]

In The Matrix, the main character Neo is offered the pick between a cherry pill and a blue pill by rebel leader Morpheus. Morpheus says "You take the blue pill... the story ends, y'all wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You accept the red pill... y'all stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." The blood-red pill represents an uncertain time to come, unknown to Neo at the time, he takes the red pill —it would complimentary him from the enslaving command of the car-generated dream earth and allow him to escape into the real earth, but living the "truth of reality" is harsher and more than hard. On the other paw, the bluish pill represents a beautiful prison—it would lead him back to ignorance, living in bars comfort without want or fearfulness inside the simulated reality of the Matrix. Neo chooses the red pill and joins the rebellion.

The Matrix (1999) [edit]

Reality, subjectivity and religion [edit]

The Matrix (1999), directed by the Wachowskis, makes references to historical myths and philosophy, including gnosticism, existentialism, and nihilism.[ane] [2] The film'due south premise resembles Plato's Allegory of the Cave,[3] [4] Zhuangzi's "Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly", René Descartes'due south skepticism[v] [6] and evil demon, Kant'southward reflections on the Phenomenon versus the Ding an sich, Robert Nozick's "experience machine",[7] the concept of a simulated reality and the brain in a vat idea experiment.[8] [9] The Matrix directly references Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel Alice in Wonderland with the "white rabbit" and the "down the rabbit hole" phrases, too as referring to Neo's path of discovery as "Wonderland".

Japanese director Mamoru Oshii'due south 1995 anime picture adaptation of Masamune Shirow's 1989 manga Ghost in the Trounce was a strong influence.[x]

In The Matrix, Neo (Keanu Reeves) hears rumors of the Matrix and a mysterious human being named Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). Neo spends his nights at his home computer trying to discover the secret of the Matrix and what the Matrix is. Eventually, another hacker, Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), introduces Neo to Morpheus.

Morpheus explains to Neo that the Matrix is an illusory globe created to prevent humans from discovering that they are slaves to an external influence. Holding out a sheathing on each of his palms, he describes the selection facing Neo:

This is your last hazard. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever yous want to believe. You lot take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit pigsty goes. Recollect: all I'grand offering is the truth. Nothing more.

As narrated, the blue pill will allow the subject to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix; the ruby-red serves equally a "location device" to locate the subject's body in the real globe and to gear up them to be "unplugged" from the Matrix. One time one chooses the red or blue pill, the choice is irrevocable.

Neo takes the red pill and awakens in the existent earth, where he is forcibly ejected from the liquid-filled chamber in which he has been lying unconscious. Subsequently his rescue and convalescence aboard Morpheus's transport, Morpheus shows him the truthful nature of the Matrix: a detailed estimator simulation of Earth at the finish of the 20th century (the bodily twelvemonth, though not known for sure, is suggested within the original movie to be approximately 200 years later, though it is revealed through sequels The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and The Animatrix that at least 700 years have passed). It has been created to keep the minds of humans docile while their bodies are stored in massive power plants, their body heat and bioelectricity consumed every bit power by the sentient machines that have enslaved them.

In a 2012 interview, Lana Wachowski said:[11]

What we were trying to attain with the story overall was a shift, the same kind of shift that happens for Neo, that Neo goes from being in this sort of cocooned and programmed earth, to having to participate in the structure of meaning to his life. And nosotros're like, "Well, tin the audition go through the 3 movies and experience something similar to what the main character experiences?" So the first movie is sort of classical in its approach. The second pic is deconstructionist, and information technology assaults all of the things that y'all thought to be true in the beginning picture, and so people get very upset, and they're like "Terminate attacking me!" in the aforementioned fashion that people become upset with deconstructionist philosophy. I hateful, Derrida and Foucault, these people upset us. And then the third film is the almost ambiguous because it asks you to actually participate in the construction of meaning...

Lana Wachowski, Picture City News, October xiii, 2012

In The Matrix Resurrections, the Analyst uses blue pills to go along Neo'south truthful memories suppressed in the guise of therapy sessions. After, Neo takes another cherry-red pill before being freed from the Matrix once over again by Bugs and her crew. In Trinity's instance, she does not take to take the blood-red pill again considering of the style that Sati is freeing her from the Matrix. The red pills also permit friendly programs to leave the Matrix now equally seen with the program version of Morpheus.

Cerise pill as transgender allegory [edit]

Fan theories have suggested that the red pill may represent an apologue for transgender people or a story of Lana and Lilly Wachowski's history as coming out every bit transgender.[12] [13] During the 1990s, a mutual male-to-female transgender hormone therapy involved Premarin, a maroon tablet.[xiv] Lilly Wachowski confirmed that this theory was right in August 2020.[15]

Analysis [edit]

An essay written by Russell Blackford discusses the red and blue pills, questioning whether if a person were fully informed they would take the scarlet pill, opting for the real world, believing that the choice of concrete reality over a digital simulation is not so beneficial every bit to be valid for all people. Both Neo and another character, Naught (Joe Pantoliano), accept the scarlet pill over the blue pill, though after in the first Matrix film, the latter demonstrates regret for having made that choice, saying that if Morpheus fully informed him of the state of affairs, Cypher would have told him to "shove the red pill correct up [his] ass." When Nada subsequently makes a deal with the machines to return to the Matrix and forget everything he had learned, he says, "Ignorance is elation." Blackford argues that the Matrix films set things up and then that even if Neo fails, the taking of the red pill is worthwhile because he lives and dies authentically. Blackford and science-fiction writer James Patrick Kelly experience that The Matrix stacks the deck confronting machines and their simulated globe.[16]

Matrix Warrior: Being the Ane author Jake Horsley compared the ruby-red pill to LSD, citing a scene where Neo forms his own earth outside of the Matrix. When he asks Morpheus if he could return, Morpheus responds by asking him if he would want to. Horsley too describes the blue pill as addictive, calling The Matrix serial a continuous series of choices between taking the blue pill and not taking information technology. He adds that the habits and routines of people within the Matrix are merely the people dosing themselves with the blue pill. While he describes the blue pill as a common thing, he states that the red pill is ane of a kind, and something someone may not even detect.[17]

In the 2004 book The Art of the Commencement, author Guy Kawasaki uses the carmine pill as an analog to the state of affairs of leaders of new organizations, in that they confront the aforementioned pick to either live in reality or fantasy. He adds that if they want to exist successful, they have to accept the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.[xviii]

Other uses [edit]

  • In the 1970 novel This Perfect Twenty-four hour period, the lead protagonist, Flake is given a red pill to trigger concrete reactions in order to fool medicenter Family unit (almost the unabridged residual of humanity) members nether UniComp's control into drastically reducing his compliance-inducing drug regimen. In doing and then he will exist able to break free from UniComp's control and the Family unit and bring together the band of costless thinkers who give him the pills.
  • In THX-1138, George Lucas'south 1971 dystopian science fiction movie, the protagonist man is having trouble indelible his miserable life under a totalitarian technocracy. He calls the equivalent of 9-1-1, "I need something stronger." The medicine cabinet voice responds, "Accept iv red capsules. In 10 minutes, accept ii more. Help is on the way."
  • In Total Recall, Paul Verhoeven'south 1990 space action motion picture, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is told by a doctor to take a red pill as a symbolic action to "awaken himself" from a false dream which the doctor says Schwarzenegger'due south character is trapped in, "Information technology's a symbol for your desire to return to reality." In reality, the doc may be an agent involved in the effort to neutralize Schwarzenegger'south character.
  • The Blue Pill rootkit ("malware")—named in reference to the pill, as are the Red Pill techniques used to combat it—is a special blazon of software that utilizes the virtualization techniques of mod central processing units (CPUs) to execute as a hypervisor; as a virtual platform on which the entire operating system runs, information technology is capable of examining the entire state of the motorcar and to cause any behavior with full privilege, while the operating system "believes" itself to be running directly on physical hardware, creating a parallel to the illusory Matrix. Blueish Pill describes the concept of infecting a car while Cherry Pill techniques help the operating system to find the presence of such a hypervisor.[nineteen] These concepts were described by Joanna Rutkowska in 2006.
  • In cybersecurity, a red pill is any means of detecting hooking or virtualization. It is frequently used by anti-cheat, antirootkit software, malware, and digital rights management, etc. Red pills usually make use of real-fourth dimension clocks to measure the time information technology takes for disquisitional operations and interactions with peripheral hardware to occur, and compare the length of them with the expected length of such operations as they occur without virtualization. If the clock is compromised, the hypervisor can hibernate its presence past slowing the clock down in a controlled mode, to hide the extra fourth dimension imposed by virtualization.
  • Until they were removed from the Maemo operating organisation awarding installer in Jan 2010, sure advanced features were unlocked by a "Red Pill Mode" Easter egg to forbid accidental use by novice users just brand them readily available to experienced users. This was activated by starting to add together a itemize whose URL was "matrix" and so choosing to abolish. A dialog box would appear asking "Which pill?" with the choices "Red" or "Blue", allowing the user to enter red pill mode.[20] [21] In "Crimson Pill" mode, the installer allows the user to view and reconfigure organization packages whose existence it usually does non admit. In Bluish Pill mode the installer displays just software installed by a user, creating the illusion that system software does non exist on the system.
  • Looney Tunes webtoon "The Matwix", which parodies The Matrix, presents the red and blueish pills as donuts.
  • Leo the pig is given a cherry-red or blue pill choice in the 2003 short animated documentary The Meatrix, a parody of The Matrix.
  • In 2007 the neoreactionary blogger Curtis Yarvin used the terms red pill and blue pill to depict sure doctrines regarding republic.[22]
  • The selection between taking a bluish or red pill is a central metaphor in the 2011 Arte documentary film Marx Reloaded, in which philosophers including Slavoj Žižek and Nina Power explore solutions to the global economical and financial crisis of 2008–2009. The movie also contains an blithe parody of the cherry-red/blue pill scene in The Matrix, with Leon Trotsky equally Morpheus and Karl Marx every bit Neo.[23]
  • In the 2013 movie version of The Underground Life of Walter Mitty, when Ben Stiller's character lands at Nuuk in Greenland, he asks the human in the airport booth: "Do you have whatsoever cars available?" "Yeah, we take a blue ane and a red 1", the homo replies. "I'll take the red one", says Walter.[24] This is also "the terminal scene in the trailer: a quirky and charming sequence on its ain, even before y'all recognize the congenital-in riff on the famous "Red/Blue Pill" substitution from The Matrix".[25] [26] "The selection between the cherry and blue car at the rental motorcar lot is worthy of mention, if only because it almost candidly pulls the idea from the red pill of The Matrix. Two jelly bean, or pill, shaped cars [Daewoo Matiz], red and blue; the simply thing missing is Lawrence [sic] Fishburne working the counter".[27] "The passage connecting reality to illusion is often visualised using tangible things and physical environments [as] Neo took the red pill in The Matrix."[28]
  • In some parts of the men'due south rights motility and the manosphere, the term "crimson pill" is used as a metaphor for the specific moment when they come to the belief that certain gender roles they are expected to conform to, such as matrimony and monogamy, are intended to solely do good women, rather than for mutual benefit.[29] [thirty] In 2016, a documentary titled The Cherry-red Pill was released, which deals with the men'due south rights movement.
  • The term was later adopted past the alt-right move to represent the adoption of far-right views.
  • In 2017, political activist and commentator Candace Owens launched Red Pill Blackness, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the Usa. The term is used as a metaphor for the process of rejection of previously believed leftist narratives.[31]
  • In May 2020, Elon Musk tweeted "Take the red pill",[32] agreeing with a Twitter user that it meant taking a "costless-thinking attitude and waking upwards from a normal life of sloth and ignorance".[33] Ivanka Trump retweeted this, stating "Taken!" Lilly Wachowski, a managing director of The Matrix, responded to this exchange with "Fuck both of you".[34]

Run into also [edit]

  • Allegory of the cave
  • Baader-Meinhof effect
  • Candide
  • Coloured pills indicate prototype shifts
    • Blackness pill (disambiguation), pessimistic awakening
    • Blue pill (disambiguation), blissfully oblivious
    • Red pill (disambiguation), awakening paradigm shift
  • Denialism
  • Epiphany
  • Feel car
  • False dilemma
  • Hyperreality
  • Incel § "Red pill" and "black pill"
  • Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium
  • Páthei máthos
  • Quid est veritas
  • Reality principle
  • /r/TheRedPill
  • Simulated reality
  • The Matrix's bandage and crew were asked to read three books:
    • Simulacra and Simulation (1981) past Jean Baudrillard.
    • Out of Command (1992) by Kevin Kelly.
    • Introducing Development, (1999) past Dylan Evans, with an illustrated version.
  • The Social Construction of Reality

References [edit]

  1. ^ Rothstein, Edward (May 24, 2003). "Philosophers Draw On a Film Drawing On Philosophers". The New York Times . Retrieved Feb viii, 2021.
  2. ^ "Journal of Religion & Film: Wake Up! Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix by Frances Flannery-Daily and Rachel Wagner". unomaha.edu. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2015-11-29 .
  3. ^ Glenn Yeffeth (2003). Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and the Religion in the Matrix. BenBella Books. p. 152. ISBN978-1-932100-02-0.
  4. ^ "You Won't Know the Difference So You Can't Make the Choice". philosophynow.org.
  5. ^ Dan O'Brien (2006). An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. Polity. p. 115. ISBN978-0-7456-3316-9.
  6. ^ "Skepticism". stanford.edu. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. 2015.
  7. ^ Christopher Grau (2005). Philosophers Explore The Matrix. Oxford University Press. pp. eighteen–. ISBN978-0-nineteen-518107-4.
  8. ^ "The Encephalon in a Vat Argument". utm.edu.
  9. ^ Hazlett, Allan (January xv, 2006). "Philosophers Explore The Matrix". NDPR.nd.edu . Retrieved January iv, 2015.
  10. ^ "Matrix Virtual Theatre (interview with the Wachowskis)". Warner Brothers Studios, Official Website. 1999-eleven-06. Retrieved 2012-07-19 .
  11. ^ Poland, David (October 13, 2012). "DP/30: Cloud Atlas, Screenwriter/Directors Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski". moviecitynews.com. eighteen:49. Retrieved December x, 2012.
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  13. ^ Dale, Laura (September thirteen, 2019). "With The Matrix 4 coming, permit'south talk virtually how the first movie is a trans allegory". SyFy Aqueduct. Retrieved July 7, 2020.
  14. ^ Long Chu, Andrea (February vii, 2019). "What Nosotros Tin Learn About Gender From The Matrix". Vulture. Retrieved July 7, 2020.
  15. ^ "The Matrix was a metaphor for transgender identity, director confirms". The Independent. 2020-08-05. Retrieved 2020-ten-30 .
  16. ^ Kapell, Matthew; Doty, William G (2004). Jacking in to the Matrix franchise: cultural reception and interpretation. ISBN978-0-8264-1588-2.
  17. ^ Horsley, Jake (2003). Matrix Warrior: Existence the 1 . Macmillan. p. 125. ISBN978-0-312-32264-9.
  18. ^ Kawasaki, Guy (2004). The art of the start: the time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything . Penguin. p. 92. ISBN978-1-59184-056-5.
  19. ^ Joanna Rutkowska. "Ruby-red Pill... or how to detect VMM using (almost) one CPU instruction" (archive), Invisible Things Lab
  20. ^ "Red Pill mode". maemo.org wiki . Retrieved January 25, 2010.
  21. ^ "src/repo.cc". hildon-application-manager. Line 153. Archived from the original on July 15, 2012. Retrieved Jan 25, 2010.
  22. ^ Yarvin, Curtis (Apr 24, 2007). "The Instance Against Democracy: Ten Redpills". Unqualified Reservations. Archived from the original on July 17, 2020. Retrieved June 3, 2021.
  23. ^ "Marx Reloaded trailer". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-x-30. Retrieved January sixteen, 2012.
  24. ^ "CNN.com – Transcripts". CNN. July 31, 2013. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
  25. ^ Schaefer, Sandy (July 30, 2013). "'Cloak-and-dagger Life of Walter Mitty' Trailer: Ben Stiller Goes on a Grand Adventure". Screen Rant . Retrieved July 23, 2020.
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  27. ^ Gravano, Adam (September 17, 2017). "A Look Dorsum at Walter Mitty". Highbrow Magazine . Retrieved Feb 10, 2018.
  28. ^ Buckmaster, Luke (December 23, 2013). "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty movie review". Daily Review. Retrieved February x, 2018.
  29. ^ "Men's rights movement: why information technology is and then controversial?". The Week. February xix, 2015. Retrieved April 1, 2015.
  30. ^ Sharlet, Jeff (March 2015). "Are You lot Man Enough for the Men's Rights Movement?". GQ . Retrieved April i, 2015.
  31. ^ Ames, Elizabeth (September thirteen, 2017). "Liberals Sick of the Alt-Left Are Taking 'the Cherry-red Pill'". Fox News . Retrieved February 19, 2020.
  32. ^ Bowles, Nellie (May xix, 2020). "Tesla Owners Try to Brand Sense of Elon Musk'southward 'Ruddy Pill' Moment". The New York Times . Retrieved May 23, 2020.
  33. ^ Musk, Elon (May 19, 2020). "Scarlet pill has go a pop phrase among cyberculture". Twitter . Retrieved May 23, 2020.
  34. ^ Ball, Siobhan (May 18, 2020). "'Matrix' co-director Lilly Wachowski tells Elon Musk, Ivanka Trump 'f**k both of y'all'". Daily Dot . Retrieved February xiv, 2021.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_pill_and_blue_pill

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